mardi 10 avril 2007

Parc national des Hautes Gorges

Another part of my Quebec, the "Parc National des Hautes gorges", not to far from Quebec city (where I live). I went there with my best pal, my girlfriend and a couple of French friends. They where quite impressed. But hey, you get them to a place where there is no road and they get impressed, you bring them to Tadoussac and they think this is nature; they see a beluga and they've seen a blue whale. Nonetheless, a nice place to visit : the wind, the valley, the peace of mind.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

It's ok - poke fun at us Europeans. We are living like packed like sardines in a can here! If we find a place where you cannot hear a car: Nature! Paradise! Enlightenment!
Send my fellow Europeans my regards - I can absolutely relate to them!

Cascadia Girl a dit...

Wow, this is gorgeous. What are the trails like there? Is there any backpacking/camping allowed? What kinds of critters can you find? It is still too wet/snowy in the Cascades for any serious treks. This makes me salivate.
PS: Hopefully the weather continues as your photo suggests!