lundi 30 avril 2007

A New World

A lot of you by now must know about Gliese 581 c (It was all around the media) : a new extrasolar planet, discovered a week ago, and that might be habitable.

With it's temperature around 0 to 40 celcius and what seems like an atmosphere, scientists think there could be some life on it. Some say it could be an ocean planet.

An hypothesis also : Gliese 581 c seems to always show the same face to her star.

And lets imagine : a planet all water on her exposed face and all ice on her hidden one. A human colonisation relying on floating artificial isles and on some meteorological stations sparsed near the ice coast. A belt of floating cities concentrated in its more temperate zone, between ice and tropical waters, a strain of human constructions circling the belly of the planet, and visible from space.

Not the first one to say it : Sci-fi is no imagination, it is projection.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

The problem with Gliese for humans would be gravity. You, me and even Manuel Uribe would be twice as heavy. Jogging's no fun on Gliese...