dimanche 1 avril 2007

Hugo's rock

At the very end of "Le Bic" national park. Really, if you ever go there, take the "Littoral" path. There's a very Breton feel to it, grey rocks and emerald grass - and the water everywhere, the coast draped in mist. I think Hugo would have got something out of it, much like he did out of Jersey and Guernesey.

2 commentaires:

Zep a dit...

Ce sont des photos très chouettes! Ton pays est vraiment très beau.
J´ai un client à Montreal; peut-etre qu´une fois, j´aurai l´occasion de
voir Quebec en réalité.

Cascadia Girl a dit...

(En Englais, je regret...)

Mmmmm, this is reminiscent of some of the southwest corners of many of the San Juan Islands. Windswept, gnarled, tough and wildly beautiful. There is something serenely defiant about places that catch the sea's rage.

Here are some shots from "American Camp" park on the south end of San Juan Island: http://www.nps.gov/sajh/photosmultimedia/photogallery.htm?eid=128922&root_aId=185#e_128922

And here is a shot of "Iceberg Point" on the SW corner of Lopez Island: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Iceberg_Point_Lopez_Island_Washington_USA.jpeg/300px-Iceberg_Point_Lopez_Island_Washington_USA.jpeg