jeudi 12 avril 2007

Confession (a stupid entry)

Keira Knightley just admitted to The Sun she was living in fear of five (five!) stalkers.

May I proudly confess I'm one of them (I'm I gettin in trouble?)?

But hey, what does it say about her? She can't even stand a couple of guys looking at her!

No, really : I'm a fan. So Keira, if you need any help, or any comforting cuddle just call me.

Check this story:


Also this raise a question, a simple one : what's in the mind of a stalker? We all know a friend obsessed by a girl; but about a famous one? Doesn't it tell their solitude, the fact that the girl they most constantly see, and know, is seen and known trough TV and cinema? That they just can't, in their real lives, make any contact with any human being? Or that they love fiction more than reality...

In a way, this post would benefit from being crosschecked with the one I wrote about Butor and the distinction : girl of your life/of your dream (sorry, it was in french!).

Maybe these guys lead a happy, fulfilled life with the loved one - but they just need a girl in their dreams, to support reality : that's Keira. And suddenly (that's how a stalker is born), he looks for some infos on the Internet, he sees she was in his town for filming, a month ago, and that he could have met her at Hotel X, and that she got hurt filming Domino...she's getting more real, he could touch her, she's starting to bump the girl in your life, she's slowly taking her place in your mind...

Stalker : born from the collision of two spheres: the "girl of your dream" trying to enter the "girl of your life" area...

And I realize I sound like one of them - was I know telling you at the very start of this post?

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