samedi 21 avril 2007

The summer and Iron man

With spring starts again the bar rush. Guys start yelling, pumping their engines; loud music echos at every freakin red light. Girls show skin, breasts, often beautiful stuff to look at actually. But are we happier? It seems the sun is often blinding the sadness.


Also, read a nice article on wikipedia about the greatest superhero of all : Ironman. With the movie coming out this summer, it's time to catch up on his background.

And what is Ironman? The genius hero, the one that relied only on his brain to give him the power to build, and use his suit, to kick the villain's bottom (but that's up until Captain America trained him to be able to fight without his armor; and how ironic they would later collide in the registration/anti-registration of superheroes war...).

Anyway check it out :

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Hello Augustin!
I didn't know you were into superheroes too!
I love Ironman - he is the living robot, the modern dream of a knight. Perfect armor - better than superpowers! Exactly what a teenie needs!
But I am alittle afraid of the 2008 movie...

Anonyme a dit...

Keep up the good work.