mercredi 9 mai 2007

Just saying

Talk about the most underrated game on the NES : North and South. This game put you in charge of the Yanks or the Rebs during the American Civil war. When forces encountered, the action was reported on a battle map where you could control artillery, cavalry or infantery. Some twists in the game added attacks by indians, reinforcement coming in North Carolina for the side wich controlled it and rainstorms that immobilized your unit for one full turn. Also, there was a side-scrolling twist to game, for when you were attacking an enemy fort or train, you had to reach the end of it before the clock, in order to steal money or enter the fort. Countless hours of pleasure and really nice memories. P.S. The game was loosely inspired by a really nice belgian comic book : "Les tuniques bleus". I used to look for hours at the drawings of the battle scenes, with their grand scale nicely rendered.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Loosely inspired? They just stole the look of the comic, didn't they? BTW: Tuniques Bleues